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재무정보 게시판으로 게시판 글 목록의 제목과 글쓴날짜, 조회, 첨부파일 등을 보여준다.
Title [WKIT News] Malaysian Government Delegation visit WooKyoung Information Technology
Writer 관리자
Hits 107 Date 2023.02.13

19 Malaysia Delegates including MIDA Headquarters and the local government of Perak State etc. visit to WKIT


* Purpose

- Establishment of an action plan for the improvement of industrial complexes in Malaysia

- Benchmarking and feasibility study of industrial complexes in Korea

- Improvement of knowledge on infrastructure in industrial complexes in Korea


* Date

- 27th July 2022 (Wednesday) 14:00 ~ 15:30


* Venue

- Main conference hall, 3rd floor at the WooKyoung Information Technology head office


* Attendee

- Ms. Zabidah Daud from MIDA (Malaysian Investment Development Authority) and 8 others

- Mr. Kumaresan from Perak State EPU (Prime Minister's Department Economic Planning Unit) and 1 others

- Ms. Norni Sukriyati binti Musthar from KTPC (Kulim Technology Park Corporation) and 5 others

- Mr. Chin Chew Fan from MRCB (Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad) and 1 others

- Mr. Hong Taefa (Vice President), Mr. Simpson Kim (Deputy General Manager), Ms. Susie Hwang (Assistant Manager) from WKIT and 3 others





Wookyung Information Technology